Woodberry Hills
Swim Club

Donations?! The Woodberry Hills Swim Club operates on a very lean budget in an effort to maintain the lowest rates possible to our members. In today's world, between insurance costs, utilities, staffing, consumables, and many other expenses - operating the pool is very costly and consumes about 105% of our revenue. Fundraisers are used to cover the difference and any unforeseen expenses during a season. The pool is operated as a non-profit business and all revenue generated is used to operate the pool. The board of directors are unpaid and receive no compensation for their duties. There are many improvements that the board would like to make to improve the facility both in it's amenities and the physical infrastructure to ensure many years of fun at the pool into the future.
One of the many benefits of the pool... lots of wonderful members! This means that some of these items that we need or would like to see improved or added to the pool can quickly be implemented if we put our resources together. The intent of this fund raising is to strike a balance between fun and/or attractive amenities with behind the scenes infrastructure needs.
Any funds donated will be allocated specifically for the improvement listed and will not be drawn down in the general fund for operating expenses. As donations come in, the goal meters on this site will update automatically and once we reach our goal, the improvement will be implemented.
If you have an idea that you don't see listed below, please reach out to the board with your suggestion. Additional enhancement ideas are listed at the bottom of this page.
*We operate as a 501(c)(7) non-profit organization. Contributions are not tax deductible. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for the contribution.
Diving Board
At the end of our 2019 season, our diving board was showing signs that it needed to be replaced. We were very fortunate that Tucker Pools was gracious enough to donate a new board to the club. A commercial diving board such as the one we use has several components to it. Our hope was that with the newly donated board, we could refurbish the base and handrails to be back in service for the 2020 season. Unfortunately, our base is beyond repair and must be replaced in order to utilize the new board donated by Tucker Pools. With the purchase of a new base along with the donated board, we will have a safe diving board for many years to come. Please consider helping us reach our goal to purchase a new diving board base.
Chemical System
This campaign is for the implementation of a chemical management system. For those that don’t know how our chlorine system works currently, we use a Stenner pump which essentially pumps a few drops at a time into the pools water filtration system. The interval of those drops is set manually with a dial. It’s basically a guessing game. Factors such as weather and bather load can significantly alter the amount of chlorine required to maintain sanitary water. The guards test the water to see where we are at and adjust the dial to try and compensate for any changes. There are two problems that can arise from this. One being that if we go over or under too far, we can’t open the pool that day due to safety concerns. The other is cost. If we get very low on chlorine, it requires additional chlorine to shock the pool and get it back to where it properly responds to normal chlorine usage. If we go high on chlorine, we’ve obviously wasted money. Both of these outcomes have other implications as they can throw off pH and alkalinity, which requires additional chemicals and money again to get the water balanced.
We use nearly 1,500 gallons of chlorine each season to sanitize the pool water. The chlorine and other chemical costs amount to at least 5% of our operating budget. The inaccuracy of our current system means that part of these costs are unnecessary but difficult to avoid.
There are several models and brands available. There are models with more accurate sensors, web based monitoring, etc. The benefit to web based monitoring is that it would permit us to keep more accurate logs. The Health Department requires a log book of our pool chemistry levels and a web based model would automate that process.
An additional benefit of using a system like this is the ability to use CO2 to manage pH. This is how most commercial/public pools manage pH. There are several benefits:
CO2 is much safer to handle vs muriatic acid.
CO2 is better at buffering changes in water chemistry, avoiding over or under compensating adjustments.
CO2 is less corrosive on the pool and equipment.
CO2 works better with the overall chemistry of a pool, resulting in more balanced water.
It’s certainly an investment, but the payback would be short with the added benefit of less concern of water safety. This is another component that the health department has indicated they would very much like to see due to the increase in safety concerns. It’s not a requirement, just a preference as they know benefits of having one. Many states mandate this and NY doesn’t yet, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to be prepared for any possible legislation in the future.
Additional Possibilities:
Defibrillator (AED) - These life saving devices can double or even triple survival rates from cardiac arrest according to the Red Cross. The addition of an AED to the facility would offer enhanced life saving capabilities of our guards (or members) should a guest suffer cardiac arrest. Estimated purchase cost: $1,500 ($22/member)
Tennis Courts - Our tennis courts could certainly use some attention. They are in need of a complete surface restoration, new nets and posts, fence repair/replace, and the addition of lighting would enable evening use for a longer part of the year. Estimated project cost: $40,000 ($572/member or $190/year @ 3 years)
Basketball Courts - New hoops, line painting, fix/replace benches. Estimated Project Cost: $10,000 ($144/member)
Solar Cover - Heated water is great, especially in our sometimes cooler climate. However those two factors put together results in a lot of evaporation. The water that we lose through evaporation is especially expensive because every gallon of water we must replace needs to be treated and heated. The addition of a solar cover would enable us to retain thousands of gallons of water each season that we currently lose to evaporation. This project would require a solar cover (several different pieces) and a roller system to store it during open hours. Estimated project cost: $5,000 ($72/member)
Solar Pool Heating Panels - Similar to solar panels that generate electricity, there are solar panels that you can pump pool water through to heat the pool. A temperature controller monitors the pool water temperature and solar gain available and directs water through the solar collectors when a benefit can be realized. This reduces our use of natural gas to heat the pool which is environmentally and economically beneficial. The solar panels would be mounted on the roof of the clubhouse. Estimate project cost: $8,000 ($115/member)
Digital Water Testing Meter - We test our water 3 times a day per health department regulations. A digital test meter increases accuracy and reduces errors. Water chemistry is very important as it ensures our pool water is safe and comfortable to swim in. Estimated purchase cost: $1,000 ($15/member)
Cabanas - Who wouldn't like more (shaded!) space to relax at the pool? This project would add 6 cabanas along the rear fence line. Each cabana would have a ceiling fan, mini refrigerator, table and chairs, chase lounge, power outlet for device charging, and would be fenced on the back with privacy shades on the sides. Estimated project cost: $24,000 ($343/member)
Pool Lighting - The addition of pool lighting would enable the pool to offer night hours/events. It would be great to let kids float in the pool and watch a movie or host an adults night. To swim at night, the pool must have adequate lighting per regulations. The pool originally had lights but they couldn't be saved during the renovation. The old lights were costly to maintain and operate. New LED pool lighting is less expensive to operate, safer, and more reliable. Estimated project cost: $10,000 ($143/member)
Slide - We're not talking your typical backyard pool slide, but a commercial slide with a staircase that would offer hours of fun for kids at the pool. Estimated project cost: $25,000 ($357/member)
Upgraded Pumps - Upgrading our pool pumps to variable speed, high efficiency models would enable us to only use as much power as necessary based on operating conditions. These pumps are an upfront investment for a long term energy savings which lowers the annual operating expense for the pool. Estimate project cost: $8,000 ($115/member)
The list goes on, but these enhancements give some examples of investments that can be made that improve the viability of the pool and make it more enjoyable for members. Some of these improvements will decrease the operating expense of the pool which helps balance the budget as many costs continue to increase in the market and also leave revenue available for continued improvements at the club.
*per member cost based on 70 member estimate.